Overcome your business challenges

We live in a world reshaped by the impact of a global pandemic. We emerged thinking, working and living differently. In this new world, there is more pressure on organisations to deliver upon their strategic goals. To survive, businesses must evolve and that’s where we can help. Black Isle Group blends behavioural science, professional culture coaching and nudge® technology to help companies take daily steps towards positive organisational change.

Click on the challenges below that relate to your business and submit

The Challenge

The Solution

The Challenge

Strategy into action: We want to empower our team to focus on and deliver our strategic goals.

The Solution

Research tells us that good habits are forged by companies and people that focus on small actions every day. Over time these positive actions become hardwired into organisational culture and lead to long-term business success. By combining innovative technology, behavioural science and targeted professional coaching into a single impactful solution, we empower your people to build those essential habits and turn your biggest company goals into focused everyday actions. Enabling your company to achieve success today and long into the future.

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The Challenge

Growth: We want to understand and encourage the key factors contributing to business growth.

The Solution

Nothing encourages the achievement of results more than the sight of progress. Our app, nudge®, lets you view and understand which everyday actions deliver the greatest positive impacts towards achieving strategic ambitions through the measurement of daily progress. Every week, nudge® also encourages your people to pause and reflect on their achievements and share their insights on new opportunities they have uncovered and potential obstacles they may be facing to deliver growth.

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The Challenge

Leadership: We want to cultivate a positive culture through inspiring and effective leadership.

The Solution

As a leader, striking the right relationship balance with your people can be tricky. You are responsible for leading your team, delegating key activities, and sometimes providing tough constructive feedback – but having positive, meaningful connections is extremely important. At Black Isle Group, we believe that everyone, and every business, can benefit from a coaching culture. With everyday actions, we offer professional coaching support and rich data insights via our nudge® app to elevate leadership coaching skills and performance to turn every interaction with their people into more personal and meaningful conversations.

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The Challenge

Engagement: We want to inspire our entire workforce to feel personally committed to the company’s success.

The Solution

Psychological research shows that when you focus on completing small manageable actions every day, incremental progress is made and habits are created, dramatically improving the success rate of achieving long-term goals. Further behavioural research shows that when you involve and engage people in your setting actions from the start, they are more inspired, motivated and committed to achieving them. We provide your team with the framework, practices, coaching support and technology they need to feel more connected to a common purpose and create a sense of personal ownership and autonomy over the company’s overall success.

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The Challenge

Remote working: We want to create a connected and united team in a world where remote working is part of the new normal.

The Solution

Connected teams are a powerful driving force any business can have. In the new world of remote work and distributed teams, we know it’s essential for your business to find ways that aid your people in forming connections that thrive and encourage everyone to seek each other out. From collaborative goal setting, real-time alignment of nudges to company purpose, employee reflections, coaching support and peer-to-peer recognition to name but a few, our everyday actions solution provides a plethora of tools to your leaders to keep everyone feeling connected.

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The Challenge

Productivity: We want to minimise distraction and focus minds on critical organisational goals.

The Solution

Did you know that it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds* for an employee to return to their original task after an interruption? Distractions come in various guises, but they are ultimately one of the highest costs to your workplace productivity. By applying the framework of everyday actions, you can support your people to distil the pursuit of long-term objectives into focused 10-week sprints. This enables everyone to have a clear and consistent view of the bigger picture whilst aligning their day-to-day efforts to achieve what matters most.

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The Challenge

Innovation: We want our business to innovate and stay ahead in our market

The Solution

When it comes to encouraging workplace innovation, tasking employees to specifically do it can instantly be a creativity killer. We know through experience that no one solution can fit all for creating a culture of innovation. But we firmly believe you can encourage your people to be innovative in their everyday actions and thinking. With our professional coaching support, we can help your leaders lead with compelling questions and good listening skills to encourage their teams to think about challenging problems and develop new and improved solutions. Your teams can also easily translate their ideas into action through the simplicity of focussed sprints and motivating nudges. And finally, with weekly reflections, your people can often celebrate their small achievements and contribute to a bank of ideas for future consideration. By empowering everyone to chase their “a-ha moments”, you’ll soon find a dynamic and innovative culture.

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The Challenge

Agility: We want our business to adapt more quickly to change.

The Solution

In an agile work environment, everybody works towards a common goal. Managers turn into leaders and welcome new ideas from everywhere. And we believe that nobody has a monopoly on good ideas! Everyday actions create a continuous feedback loop with daily progress data, weekly employee reflections, and collaborative goal-setting sessions across your organisation. These rich, actionable insights enable your leaders to make informed decisions and quickly adapt to shifting demands, obstacles and opportunities.

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The Challenge

Scalability: We want to grow the business without complications.

The Solution

To scale effectively, seeing where potential blockers grow or where your easy wins are quickly is vital in enabling you to decide where to focus your attention. Everyday actions track performance data to understand your operations in granular detail. It also engenders a trusting environment that reduces frustrations through transparent, open communication and limits the impact of volatility.

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The Challenge

Resolving conflict: We would like to resolve and avoid workplace conflicts.

The Solution

Open and transparent communications around obstacles often lead to innovative thinking and focused efforts to overcome challenges. With our nudge® in-app reflection surveys and journals, we invite your people each week to provide honest feedback and encourage everyone to share ideas and ask for support when needed. Our professional coaching experts equip your leaders with the tools to overcome barriers quickly.

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Click on the challenges above that relate to your business and submit below. One of our team will be in touch to see how we can support change in your business.

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